IAU Catalog of Star Names (IAU-CSN)
Revision as of 13:01, 29 June 2017 by 2a07:1c44:436:e:b04f:ac26:652d:cc43 (talk) (Created page with "Official list hosted by the International Astronomical Union at [https://www.iau.org/public/themes/naming_stars/]. Plain-text version at [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~emamaje...")
Official list hosted by the International Astronomical Union at [1]. Plain-text version at [2].
240 names, as of 2017-02-01.
- Acamar
- Achernar
- Acrab
- Acrux
- Acubens
- Adhafera
- Adhara
- Adhil
- Ain
- Albali
- Albireo
- Alchiba
- Alcor
- Alcyone
- Aldebaran
- Alderamin
- Alfirk
- Algedi
- Algenib
- Algieba
- Algol
- Algorab
- Alhena
- Alioth
- Alkaid
- Alkalurops
- Alkes
- Almaaz
- Almach
- Alnair
- Alnasl
- Alnilam
- Alnitak
- Alniyat
- Alphard
- Alphecca
- Alpheratz
- Alrakis
- Alrescha
- Alshain
- Altair
- Altais
- Alterf
- Aludra
- Alula Australis
- Alula Borealis
- Alya
- Ancha
- Ankaa
- Antares
- Arcturus
- Arkab Posterior
- Arkab Prior
- Arneb
- Ascella
- Asellus Australis
- Asellus Borealis
- Aspidiske
- Asterope
- Atik
- Atlas
- Atria
- Avior
- Azelfafage
- Azha
- Barnard's Star
- Baten Kaitos
- Beid
- Bellatrix
- Betelgeuse
- Biham
- Botein
- Canopus
- Capella
- Caph
- Castor
- Cebalrai
- Celaeno
- Cervantes
- Chalawan
- Chara
- Chertan
- Copernicus
- Cor Caroli
- Cujam
- Cursa
- Dabih
- Deneb
- Deneb Algedi
- Denebola
- Diadem
- Diphda
- Dschubba
- Dubhe
- Edasich
- Electra
- Elnath
- Eltanin
- Enif
- Errai
- Fafnir
- Fomalhaut
- Furud
- Gacrux
- Giausar
- Gienah
- Gomeisa
- Grumium
- Hadar
- Hamal
- Helvetios
- Homam
- Intercrus
- Izar
- Kaffaljidhma
- Kaus Australis
- Kaus Borealis
- Kaus Media
- Keid
- Kitalpha
- Kochab
- Kornephoros
- Kurhah
- Lesath
- Libertas
- Lich
- Maasym
- Maia
- Marfik
- Markab
- Marsic
- Matar
- Mebsuta
- Megrez
- Meissa
- Mekbuda
- Menkalinan
- Menkar
- Menkent
- Menkib
- Merak
- Merga
- Merope
- Mesarthim
- Miaplacidus
- Mimosa
- Mintaka
- Mira
- Mirach
- Mirfak
- Mirzam
- Mizar
- Mothallah
- Muliphein
- Muphrid
- Muscida
- Musica
- Naos
- Nashira
- Nekkar
- Nihal
- Nunki
- Nusakan
- Ogma
- Peacock
- Phact
- Phecda
- Pherkad
- Pleione
- Polaris
- Pollux
- Porrima
- Procyon
- Propus
- Proxima Centauri
- Ran
- Rasalas
- Rasalgethi
- Rasalhague
- Rastaban
- Regulus
- Rigel
- Rigil Kentaurus
- Rotanev
- Ruchbah
- Rukbat
- Sabik
- Sadachbia
- Sadalbari
- Sadalmelik
- Sadalsuud
- Sadr
- Saiph
- Sargas
- Sarin
- Scheat
- Schedar
- Seginus
- Sham
- Shaula
- Sheliak
- Sheratan
- Sirius
- Situla
- Skat
- Spica
- Sualocin
- Subra
- Suhail
- Sulafat
- Syrma
- Talitha
- Tania Australis
- Tania Borealis
- Tarazed
- Taygeta
- Tegmine
- Tejat
- Theemin
- Thuban
- Titawin
- Tonatiuh
- Tureis
- Unukalhai
- Vega
- Veritate
- Vindemiatrix
- Wasat
- Wazn
- Wezen
- Yed Posterior
- Yed Prior
- Yildun
- Zaniah
- Zaurak
- Zavijava
- Zibal
- Zosma
- Zubenelgenubi
- Zubeneschamali