BoJack Horseman
Revision as of 12:10, 14 May 2021 by (talk) (Created page with "Source: Main characters * BoJack Horseman * Princess Carolyn * Diane Nguyen * Mr. Peanutbutter * Todd Chavez...")
Main characters
- BoJack Horseman
- Princess Carolyn
- Diane Nguyen
- Mr. Peanutbutter
- Todd Chavez
Recurring characters
- Pinky Penguin
- Sarah Lynn
- Herb Kazzaz
- Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzarelli-McQuack
- Butterscotch Horseman
- Beatrice Horseman
- Crackerjack Sugarman
- Joseph Sugarman
- Honey Sugarman
- Charlotte Carson
- Penny Carson
- Lenny Turteltaub
- Paparazzi Birds
- Tina
- Sextina Aquafina
- Kelsey Jannings
- A Ryan Seacrest Type
- Tom Jumbo-Grumbo
- Wayne
- Vanessa Gekko
- Charley Witherspoon
- Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface
- Vincent Adultman
- Bradley Hitler-Smith
- Dr. Allen Hu
- Sebastian St. Clair
- Jogging Baboon
- Corduroy Jackson-Jackson
- Wanda Pierce
- Emily
- Rutabaga Rabbitowitz
- Hank Hippopopalous
- Roxy
- Judah
- Ralph Stilton
- Stefani Stilton
- Katrina
- Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz
- Courtney Portnoy
- Ana Spanakopita
- Flip McVicker
- Gina Cazador
- Pickles Aplenty
- Yolanda Buenaventura
- Vance Waggoner
- Henry Fondle
- Tracy
- Dr. Champ
- Guy
- Joey Pogo
- Sharona
- Paige Sinclair
- Maude