Rights enumerated in the US Constitution Bill of Rights
Revision as of 18:01, 9 July 2008 by Knauerhase (talk | contribs)
Some of these are abbreviated and/or cryptic, in order to be practically typable as host names. But having a cluster of machines in this schema is a good way to help people remember the fundamental rights they have (in America, at least).
General terms
- contstitution
- billofrights
- wethepeople
- liberty
- freedom
Amendment 1
- noestablishreligion
- freeexercise
- freepress
- freeassembly
- freespeech
- petitiongovt
Amendment 2
- rkba
Amebdment 3
- noquarter
Amendment 4
- secureinhouse
- nosearch
- noseizure
- nowarrant
- probablecause
Amendment 5
- needindictment
- nodoublejep
- noselfincrim
- dueprocess
- notaking
Amendment 6
- speedytrial
- publictrial
- knowaccusation
- confrontwitnesses
- havecounsel
Amendment 7
- jurytrial
Amendment 8
- noexcessivebail
- noexcessivefines
- nocruel
- nounusual
Amendment 9
- enumnodeny
Amendment 10
- powersreserved