Revision as of 15:10, 25 April 2010 by (talk) (Important river from Transylvania. Present in different stories.)
- Amazon
- Amstel
- Belaja
- Cam
- Clinch
- Colorado
- Columbia
- Danube
- Darling
- Dnepr
- Dnestr
- Don
- Elbe
- Euphrates
- French Broad
- Ganges (a.k.a. Ganga)
- Han
- Indus
- Isis (what the Thames is called in Oxford)
- Jordan
- Kama
- Li
- Loire
- Me Kong
- Mississipi
- Missouri
- Moskva
- Murray
- Neglina
- Nile
- Orinoco
- Paraiba
- Pecora
- Po
- Rhein
- Rhone
- Saone
- Seine
- Sumida
- Sutlej
- Swan
- Tago
- Tarlung
- Tennessee
- Thames
- Tiber
- Tigris
- Ural
- Vistola
- Volga
- Volhov
- YangTze
- Yarra
- Yellow