80s Pop/Rock Stars

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  1. ABBA
  2. ABC
  3. AC/DC (AC-DC)
  4. Adams (Bryan)
  5. Aerosmith
  6. Aha
  7. AirSupply
  8. Bananarama
  9. Bangles
  10. Benatar (Pat)
  11. BillyOcean
  12. Blondie
  13. BonJovi
  14. BowWowWow
  15. Cars
  16. CheapTrick
  17. Cher
  18. Chicago
  19. Chilliwack
  20. Cinderella
  21. Clapton (Eric)
  22. Clash
  23. CultureClub
  24. Cure
  25. DefLeppard
  26. Dio
  27. DireStraits
  28. GoGos
  29. Guns N' Roses
  30. HumanLeague
  31. Jackson (Michael)
  32. Journey
  33. Kansas
  34. Loverboy
  35. Madonna
  36. Poison
  37. Prince
  38. Seagulls (Flock Of)
  39. Springfield (Rick)
  40. Springsteen (Bruce)
  41. U2
  42. VanHalen

80's Band That Sucks

  1. Cinderella
  2. Nelson
  3. Quiet Riot
  4. Ratt
  5. Skid Row
  6. Slaughter
  7. Twisted Sister
  8. Warrant
  9. Winger

(Just kidding)