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In the case of warfarin, mercaptopurine, and irinotecan, the pharmacogenomic information appears in the drug dosing section. In one of these studies, only one of 112 patients with skin test–confirmed penicillin allergy had a positive skin test result for imipenem. Patient education is crucial to prevent fatalities due to underuse and incorrect administration of epinephrine. The majority of patients develop reactions while taking maintenance doses greater than 400 mg daily for more than 2 months or smaller doses for more than 2 years. In the more temperate regions of northeast Asia, JEV transmission is seasonal; epidemics are more likely to occur between April and October. Which of the following biological agents does NOT have a currently available vaccination for preexposure protection. Penicillin derivatives may suppress WBCs by several mechanisms. Penicillin skin testing in advance of need for penicillin treatment in patients with a history of penicillin allergy does not appear to induce sensitization. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulations require that transplant programs have a multidisciplinary team including individuals with experience in pharmacology. As a general rule, antibiotics that inhibit DNA or protein synthesis (eg, quinolones and aminoglycosides) demonstrate significant PAEs against Gram-negative organisms. Total trough levels were below target in 52% of the evaluable patients at the starting dose. The theoretical concern that these agents have risk for systemic hypotension is present; however, the clinical relevance of this risk in healthy populations without medication interactions is questionable. Prolactinomas are classified according to size. The dosage interval and dose for the desired serum concentrations would then be calculated: τ = <>ln 8 mg/L – ln 1.5 mg/L)/0.131 h] + 1 h = 13.7 h rounded to 12 h; D = (1 h)(0.131 h)(20.8 L)(8 mg/L) <> – e)(12h))/1 – e] = 140 mg. Up to 12 user-selected antibiotic-impregnated paper disks are placed on an agar plate previously streaked with a standard suspension of bacteria (1-2 × 10 CFU/mL <>-2 × 10 CFU/L]).