Mushrooms psilocin

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Making Magic Mushroom Powder: How to Prepare Psilocybin Mushrooms for Microdosing?

Making magic mushroom powder is an excellent solution if you want to use your magic mushrooms more efficiently or have a regular technique for calculating your mushroom dosages. It's also one of the most effective methods for preparing psilocybin mushrooms for microdosing.

Making your own magic mushroom powder is easy: all you need are psychedelic mushrooms, a food processor or blender, and powder capsules. You may easily make your own microdoses (or macrodoses) using this powder and reap all of the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms.

What is Magic Mushroom Powder?

The Magic mushroom powder is made by grinding dehydrated psilocybin mushrooms into fine particles. It’s considered to be the best way to yield the most consistent psilocybin microdose. Creating magic mushroom powder allows you to homogenize the variance in psilocybin content between caps and stems, and from mushroom to mushroom. The easiest way to powder dried psilocybin mushrooms is with a spice or coffee grinder. Unlike with a dehydrator, it is recommended to have a separate grinder for microdosing preparation, since nearly impossible to get all the fine mushroom particles out of the blades. While it may be entertaining to imagine your roommate unwittingly enhancing herself while grinding up spices for chai, it is better advised not to run the risk of unwanted microdosing.

Why Use Magic Mushroom Powder for Microdosing?

Using mushroom powder simplifies estimating exact dose levels and allows you to consistently microdose with the same quantity and have similar experiences. The magic mushroom powder digests better than other ways and masks the flavor of the mushroom. It's more convenient to travel with mushroom powder. Mushroom capsules can be stored in an airtight container, pill bottle, or film canister. You may use mushroom powder to prepare meals and produce desserts such as truffles, chocolate, smoothies, and more. You may also keep mushroom powder in the fridge for a year or freeze it for up to ten years. The colder it is, the better.

How to Prepare Psilocybin Mushrooms for Microdosing?

Microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms is great for the hands-on psychonaut who enjoys being a part of the process at every stage. Preparing psilocybin for microdosing requires some culinary equipment, but you can easily get what you need for under.

Third Wave's Mushroom Grow Kit and Course provide mushroom supplies and advice. mushrooms psilocin

Check out Third Wave's Ultimate Guide to Sourcing Psychedelic Medicines for sourcing advice and vendor recommendations.