Network Naming Schemes
A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name network computers, but it can also be used to name projects, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.
By the way, if you are actually going to use one of these themes, be sure to read RFC 1178 and RFC 2100.
Pages with a "*" need work. Anyone is welcome to contribute - simply click "Edit" on any page to which you would like to contribute! If you add a naming scheme, please add a link to it on this page.
If you know of a scheme you like, but want even more selections, try using Google Sets to find even more.
Naming Schemes By Server Type
No. of Names in the Theme
Featured Naming Theme
Some of these are abbreviated and/or cryptic, in order to be practically typeable as host names. But having a cluster of machines in this schema is a good way to help people remember the fundamental rights they have (in America, at least).
General terms
- constitution
- billofrights
- wethepeople
- liberty
- freedom
Amendment 1
- noestablishreligion
- freeexercise
- freepress
- freeassembly
- freespeech
- petitiongovt
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
- secureinhouse
- nosearch
- noseizure
- nowarrant
- probablecause
Amendment 5
- needindictment
- nodoublejep
- noselfincrim
- dueprocess
- notaking
Amendment 6
- speedytrial
- publictrial
- knowaccusation
- confrontwitnesses
- havecounsel
Amendment 7
Amendment 8
- noexcessivebail
- noexcessivefines
- nocruel
- nounusual
Amendment 9
Amendment 10