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==Naming Schemes==

<h3>Featured Naming Scheme: [[Norse Myth]]</h3>
===[[My Scheme|What do you use?]]===

A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming themes is to name network computers, but it can also be used to name projects, variables, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.
A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name networked servers, wireless access points or client computers, but it can also be used to name projects, products, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.

By the way, if you are actually going to use one of these themes, be sure to read RFC 1178 and RFC 2100. 
<div id="mf-namelist">
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'''By [[Special:Categories|category]]'''<br/>[[:Category:Biology|Biology]]<br/>[[:Category:Fantasy|Fantasy]]<br/>[[:Category:Religion|Religion]]<br/>[[:Category:Server Type‏‎|Server Types]]<br/>[[:Category:Television|TV]]

Pages with a "*" need work. Anyone is welcome to contribute (anonymously or create an account) - simply click "Edit" on any page to which you would like to contribute!  If you add a naming scheme, <i>please</i> add a link to it on this page.
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'''By Number'''
<small>A good naming scheme should be scalable, but there could be times when a fixed number of machines are only ever going to be used. These are dedicated to those machines.</small>
* [[Duals]]

== External Links ==
* [[Greek Tragedians]]
* [[Jewels of Buddhism]]

|colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid #cfcfbf; padding: .5em 1em 0; font-size: 100%; color: #000; background-color: #f9fcff"|
* [[Card Suits]]
* [[Cardinal Directions of a Compass]]
== A ==
* [[Classical Elements]]
* [[Actors/Actresses]]*
* [[Horses of the Apocolypse|Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]
* [[AD&D Spells]]
* [[Seasons of the year]]
* [[Aircraft Manufacturers]]
* [[The Beatles]]
* [[Albums]]
* [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]
* [[Alcohols]]
* [[Animals]]
* [[Animal Groups]]
* [[Animal Farm Characters]]*
* [[Anime Characters]]
* [[Appliances]]
* [[Archery]]
* [[Artists]]
* [[Assassins]]
* [[Astronomical Bodies]]
* [[Austin Powers Characters]]
* [[Authors]]

== B ==
* [[Baby Animals]]
* [[Senses]]*
* [[Bands]]*
* [[Rivers|Rivers of Greek Underworld]]
* [[Alcohols#Beer|Beers]]
* [[Five Elements|Elements]]
* [[Big Cats]]
* [[Marx Brothers|The Marx Brothers]]
* [[Birds]]*
* [[Stages of Grief]]
* [[Board Games]]
* [[Bodily Fluids]]
* [[Body Parts]]*
* [[Brand Names]]*
* [[Bridges]]*

== C ==
* [[Candy]]*
* [[Card Games]]*
* [[Cars]]
* [[Car Parts]]
* [[Cartoon Characters]]
* [[Catholic Saints]]*
* [[CEO's]]*
* [[Cheeses]]*
* [[Chemical Compounds]]*
* [[Chess Pieces]]
* [[Chess Pieces]]
* [[Chinese Food]]*
* [[Lords of the Sith]]
* [[Chinese Calendar]]
* [[Quarks]]
* [[Cities]]*
* [[Classical Composers]]
* [[Colors]]
* [[Continents]]
* [[Comic Book Characters]]
* [[Days of Week]]
* [[Comic Strip Characters]]*
* [[Gilligan's Island|Gilligan's Island Characters]]
* [[Comic Strips]]*
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]
* [[Computer Languages]]
* [[Seven Dwarves]]
* [[Condiments]]*
* [[Seven colors of rainbow]]
* [[Constellations]]
* [[Sons of Fëanor]]
* [[Country Capitals]]
* [[Countries]]
* [[Cuban Cigar Brands]]
*[[Planets/Stars]] (Planets)
* [[Currencies]]
* [[Curries]]
*[[Team Fortress 2 Classes]]
*[[The Nine Muses of Arts and Learning]]
*[[The Muses of Greek Mythology]]
*[[LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring]]
*[[Game of Thrones (Houses)]]
*[[Calendar Months]]
*[[Chinese Calendar]]
*[[Knights of the Round Table]]
*[[Tribes of Israel]]
*[[Zodiac Signs]]
*[[Olympians (Greek)]]
*[[Olympians (Roman)]]
*[[Book of Mormon#Books_of_the_Book_of_Mormon|Books of the Book of Mormon]]
*[[Greek Alphabet]]*
*[[Batman_Characters|Batman Characters]]
*[[NATO_Alphabet|NATO Alphabet]]
*[[Bible (Books)#New_Testament|Books of the New Testament]]
*[[Bible (Books)#Old_Testament|Books of the Old Testament]]
*[[Bible (Books)|Books of the Bible]]
*[[Touhou Characters]]
*[[2-D Objects]]
*[[20th Century Fox Movies]]
*[[57 Selected Stars for Navigation]]
*[[80s Pop/Rock Stars]]
*[[A song of ice and fire]]
*[[AD&D Spells]]*
*[[Addams Family, The]]
*[[Aircraft Manufacturers]]
*[[Airport Codes]]
*[[Alias]] (TV Show)
*[[All Actors and Actresses]]
*[[Animal Groups]]
*[[Animal Farm Characters]]
*[[Anime Characters]]*
*[[Apple Computer Models]]
*[ Argonauts]
*[[Arrested Development]]
*[[Astronomical Bodies]]
*[[Atomic Particles]]
*[[Austin Powers Characters]]
*[[Australian Animals]]
*[[Australian Plant Genera]]
*[[Aztec gods]]
*[[Babar the Elephant]]
*[[Baby Animals]]
*[[Babylon 5]]
*[[Babylonian Gods]]
*[[Back to the Future]]
*[[Basic and Applied Sciences]]
*[[Batman Characters]]
*[[Battlestar Galactica]]
*[[The Beatles]]
*[[Beavis and Butt-head]]
*[[Belgariad Locations]]
*[[Bible (Books)]]
*[[Bible Names]]
*[[Bible Versions]]
*[[Bill Murray Movies]]
*[[Big Bang Theory Characters]]
*[[Big Lebowski Characters]]
*[[Big Red Machine]]
*[[Blackadder Characters]]
*[[Blade Runner]]
*[[Board Games]]
*[[Bodily Fluids]]
*[[Body Parts]]
*[[BoJack Horseman]]
*[[Book of Mormon]]
*[[BoxInManyLanguages|The word 'Box' in many languages]]
*[[Brady Bunch]]
*[[Brand Names]]
*[[Types of Bread]]
*[[Breakfast Cereals]]
*[[Breaking Bad]]
*[[British counties]]
*[[British Prisons]]
*[[Bruces' Philosophers Song]]
*[[Bruce Willis Roles]]
*[[Buffy The Vampire Slayer]]
*[[Words ending in Board]]

== D ==
* [[D&D Monsters]]
* [[D&D Weaponry]]
*[[Canadian Arctic Islands]]
* [[Dead Cars]]
* [[Dead Languages]]*
*[[wikipedia:Candy Crush Saga|Candy Crush Saga]]
* [[Dilbert]]
*[[Cable and Satellite Channels]]
* [[Disasters]]
*[[Calendar Months]]
* [[Dog Breeds]]*
*[[Call of Duty Guns]]
* [[Dog Names]]*
* [[Douglas Adams Characters]]*
*[[Card Games]]*
*[[Cardinal signs of inflammation]]
*[[wikipedia:Caribbean Music|Caribbean musical forms]]
*[[Car Parts]]
*[[Cartoon Characters]]
*[[Catholic Saints]]*
*[[Celtic Runes]]
*[[Chemical Compounds]]*
*[[Chess Pieces]]
*[[Chess World Champions]]
*[[Chicago L|Chicago "L" Lines and Stations]]
*[[Chicken Wings]]
*[[Chilli Peppers]]
*[[Chinese Food]]*
*[[Chinese Calendar]]
*[[Christmas Songs]]
*[[Chronicles of Amber]]
*[[wikipedia:List of Chrono Trigger characters|Chrono Trigger characters]]
*[[Church Buildings]]
*[[Cigarette Ingredients]]
*[[Cities of Christian Church History]]
*[[Clash Royale]]
*[[Classic Computers]]
*[[Classical Composers]]
*[ Clone Troopers]
*[[Coen Brothers Movies]]
*[[College/University Professors]]
*[[Columbia Pictures Movies]]
*[[Comic Book Characters]]
*[[Comic Strip Characters]]*
*[[Comic Strips]]*
*[[Computer Languages]]
*[[Computer characters]]
*[[Computer Parts]]
*[[Counter-Strike Defusal Maps]]
*[[Country Capitals]]
*[[Cows, Breeds of]]
*[[Cruise Ships]]
*[[Cuban Cigar Brands]]
*[[Culture Ships]]

== E ==
* [[Egyptian Gods]]
*[[Dungeons and Dragons Monsters]]*
* [[Electrical Components]]
*[[D&amp;D Weaponry|Dungeons and Dragons Weaponry]]
* [[Elements]]
* [[Emoticons]]*
*[[Days of Week]]
* [[Emotions]]*
*[[Dead Cars]]
* [[English Teas]]*
*[[Dead Languages]]*
* [[Explosives]]*
*[[Dead Rock Stars]]*
*[[Desert Themed]]*
*[[Devery & The Westlands]]*
*[[Diablo II]]
*[[Discworld characters]]
*[[wikipedia:Disney Princess#Official canon of Disney Pricesses|Disney Princesses]]
*[[Doctor Who characters]]
*[[Dog Breeds]]*
*[[Dog Names]]*
*[[Douglas Adams Characters]]*
*[[Dragons (World_of_Warcraft)]]
*[[Dragonriders of Pern]]*
*[[DreamWorks Pictures Movies]]
*[[Drunk Synonyms]]
*[[Dune (Frank Herbert's)]]

== F ==
* [[Family Guy Characters]]*
* [[Famous Horses]]*
*[[Egyptian Gods]]
* [[Famous Traitors]]
*[[The Elder Scrolls]]
* [[Female Animals]]
*[[Electrical Components]]
* [[Farm Machinery]]
* [[Fish]]
*[[Elvish Noble Houses]]
* [[Flowers]]*
*[[Five Elements]]
* [[Fraggle Rock Characters]]
* [[Futurama Characters]]*
*[[Epic Events & Places]]
*[[European Union Countries]]
*[[European Car Brands]]*
*[[EVE Online Regions]]
*[[EVE Online Ships]]
*[[Execution Styles]]

== G ==
* [[Generals]]
*[[Family Guy Characters]]*
* [[Greek Alphabet]]*
*[[Famous Ducks]]
* [[Greek Gods]]
*[[Famous Horses]]*
* [[Guitar Makers]]*
*[[Famous Slaves]]
*[[Famous Traitors]]
*[[Farm Machinery]]
*[[Fashion Designers]]*
*[[Faster than light]]*
*[[Father Ted Characters]]*
*[[Fast-acting Poisons]]*
*[[Female Animals]]
*[[FF8 Guardian Forces]]
*[[Fictional materials]]
*[[Filipino Dishes]]
*[[Final Fantasy]]
*[[Finnish Drinks]]
*[[Finding Nemo]]
*[[Fire Emblem]]
*[[Fireboy and Watergirl]]
*[[Firefly]] (TV series)
*[[Foods That Begin With The Letter Q]]
*[[Former Chicago Pro Athletes]]
*[[Founding Fathers of the US]]
*[[Formula One World Champions]]
*[[Fox Searchlight Pictures Movies]]
*[[Fraggle Rock Characters]]
*[[Friends (TV Show)]]
*[[Futurama Characters]]*

== H ==
* [[Heretics]]*
* [[Hierarchy of Hell]]*
*[[Game of Thrones]]
* [[Hindu Deities]]
*[[Gardening Implements]]
* [[Hitchhikers Guide Characters]]
* [[Holidays]]*
* [[Harry Potter]]*
*[[G.I. Joe]]*
*[[Gilligan's Island]]
*[[Gilmore Girls Characters]]
*[[Goa'uld System Lords]]
*[[Gods, Goddesses and Demons of Death and the Underworld]]
*[[Golden Sun summons]]
*[[Grand Theft Auto (GTA)]]
*[[Greek Alphabet]]
*[[Greek Gods]]
*[[Greek islands]]
*[[Guitar Makers]]*
*[[Guitar Models]]
*[[Gumby Characters]]

== I ==
* [[Illegal Drugs]]
* [[Intercourse Synonyms]]
*[[Half Life]]*
*[[Harry Potter]]*
*[[Headache Medicines]]*
*[[Heavens|Heavens and mythical places]]*
*[[Circles of Hell|Hell, Circles of]]
*[[Heinlein characters]]*
*[[Hip Hop MCs (Rappers)]]*
*[[Hindu Deities]]
*[[His Dark Materials]]
*[[Historical Computers]]
*[[Hitchhikers Guide Characters]]
*[[Hitchhikers Guide Planets]]*
*[[Homestar Runner]]*
*[[Homestuck Characters]]*
*[[Hop Varieties]]*
*[[Horses of the Apocolypse|Horsemen of the Apocolypse]]*
*[[Human Hormones]]
*[[Hunger Games]]
*[[Hurricane Names]]

== J ==
* [[James Bond Movies]]
*[[Iceland Volcanoes]]
* [[Jewish Holidays]]*
*[[Ikea Product Names]]
* [[Jurists]]*
*[[Illegal Drugs]]
*[[Indian Food]]
*[[Infamous Cars]]
*[[Intellectuals (Top 100)]]
*[[Intercourse Synonyms]]
*[[Internet Slang]]
*[[Intoxicated Synonyms]]
*[[Italian Names]]*

== K ==
* [[Knights of the Round Table]]
*[[James Bond Girls]]
*[[James Bond Movies]]
*[[James Bond Villains]]
*[[Japanese Emperors]]
*[[Japanese Food]]
*[[Japanese Kami]]
*[[Japanese Legendary Creatures]]
*[[Japanese Names]]
*[[Jellybean Flavours]]
*[[Jewish Holidays]]*
*[[Justice League]]

== L ==
* [[Languages]]*
* [[LOTR Characters]]
*[[Knight Rider]]
* [[LOTR Places]]
*[[Knights of the Round Table]]
* [[Linux Flavors]]*
*[[Kitchen Appliances]]

== M ==
* [[Male Animals]]
*[[Land of the Lost]]
* [[Manga Characters]]*
* [[Medical Disorders]]*
*[[Latin Numbers]]
* [[Medical Implements]]*
*[[Las Vegas Acts]]
* [[Military Radio Jargon]]
*[[Vegas Hotels]]
* [[Mobsters]]*
*[[League of Legends Champions]]
* [[Monsters from Godzilla]]
*[[List of Windows operating systems]]
* [[Monty Python Characters]]*
*[[Looney Tunes]]
* [[Mountains]]*
*[[LOTR Characters]]
* [[Movies]]*
*[[LOTR Gods]]
* [[Muppets]]
*[[LOTR Places]]
* [[Musical Instrument]]*
*[[LOTR Weapons]]
* [[Musical Ages]]*
* [[Mythological Characters]]*
*[[wikipedia:List of libraries in the ancient world|Libraries in the Ancient World]]
*[[Lineage II Major Cities]]
*[[Linux Commands]]
*[[Linux Flavors]]*
*[[Lithuanian gods]]
*[[Lovecraft's works]]*
*[[Lion Witch Wardrobe|The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe]]
*[[London Underground]]
*[[LOST Characters]]
*[[LOST DHARMA Stations]]
*[[Lucky Phrases]]

== N ==
* [[Naming Schemes]]
*[[MAC Addresses]]
* [[Norse Myth]]
*[[Magic: The Gathering Card Names]] *
*[[Maginot Line]]
*[[Major League Baseball Teams (MLB)]]
*[[Male Animals]]
*[[Manga Characters]]*
*[[Marx Brothers|The Marx Brothers]]
*[[Mass Effect]] ([[Mass Effect 1|1st]]/[[Mass Effect 2|2nd]]/[[Mass Effect 3|3rd]] installment)
*[[Mass Murderers]]
*[[Matrix Characters]]
*[[Medical Disorders]]*
*[[Medical Implements]]
*[[Members of the Baseball (MLB) Hall of Fame]]
*[[Members of the Football (NFL) Hall of Fame]]
*[[Members of the Hockey (NHL) Hall of Fame]]
*[[Members of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame]]
*[[Mental Illnesses]]
*[[Mental Institutions]]
*[[Mercedes-Benz models]]
*[[Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Movies]]
*[[Mexican Foods]]
*[[MF DOOM Personas]]
*[[wikipedia:List of Microsoft codenames|List of Microsoft codenames]]
*[[wikipedia:Microsoft Windows|Microsoft Windows]]
*[[Mighty Boosh]]
*[[Military Vehicles]]
*[[Minecraft Materials]]
*[[Minor planets]]
*[[Monitoring Stations (Germany)]]
*[[Monsters from Godzilla]]
*[[Monty Python Players]]
*[[Monty Python Characters]]
*[[Moons of Jupiter]]
*[[The Nine Muses of Arts and Learning]]
*[[The Muses of Greek Mythology]]
*[[Musical Ages]]
*[[Musical Groups]]
*[[Musical Instrument]]
*[[Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom]]
*[[My Little Pony]]
*[[Mythological Characters]]

== O ==
*[[Naming Schemes (Meta)]]
*[[National Anthems]]*
*[[Native american tribes]]*
*[[NATO Alphabet]]
*[[National Basketball Association Teams (NBA)]]
*[[National Football League Teams (NFL)]]
*[[National Hockey League Teams (NHL)]]
*[[National Parks]]
*[[Nazi Concentration Camps]]
*[[Neon Genesis Evangelion's Angels]]
*[[New Line Cinema Movies]]
*[[wikipedia:New York|New York]]
*[[Nickelodeon Characters]]
*[[Nickelodeon Shows]]
*[[Nobel Laureates]]
*[[Norse Mythology]]
*[[NSA surveillance tools]]
*[[Nuclear Tests]]
*[[Nuclear Plants]]

== P ==
* [[Pain Killers]]*
* [[Palindromes]]*
*[[The Office]]
* [[Pastas]]*
*[[Operating Systems]]
* [[Pee-Wee Characters]]*
*[[Overwatch Heroes]]
* [[Penis Synonyms]]
* [[Peppers]]*
* [[Philosophers]]
* [[Phobias]]*
* [[Physical Injuries]]*
* [[Planets/Stars]]
* [[Plant Parts]]
* [[Poets]]
* [[Presidents]]
* [[Primates]]*
* [[Prisons]]*

== Q ==
*[[Pain Killers]]*
*[[Paramount Pictures Movies]]
*[[Paris Métro]]
*[[Pee-Wee Characters]]*
*[[Penis Synonyms]]
*[[Personal Core Values]]*
*[[Peter Pan]]*
*[[Philip K. Dick Characters]]*
*[[Phonetic Alphabet]]
*[[Physical Injuries]]*
*[[Pinchcliffe Grand Prix]]
*[[Pirates (Real Life)]]*
*[[Pirates of the Caribbean Characters]]
*[[Pirate Jargon]]
*[[Pizza Toppings]]
*[[Plant Parts]]
*[[Plumbing Parts]]
*[[Popcap Games]]
*[[Porn Stars]]
*[[Porridge Characters]]
*[[Porsche Models]]
*[[Port Wine]]
*[[Portal|Portal Characters]]
*[[Power Plants]]
*[[PowerPuff Girls]]
*[[Precious Metals]]
*[[Presidents| Presidents (U.S.)]]
*[[Finnish Presidents|Presidents (Finnish)]]
*[[Presidents (French)]]
*[[Prescription Drugs]]
*[[Production Companies]]
*[[Psychotic Computers]]*
*[[Purple Monsters]]

== R ==
* [[Reindeer]]*
*[[Quake 3]]
* [[Religions]]*
* [[Rivers]]*
* [[Roman Gods]]
* [[Rockets]]*
* [[Rocks]]*
* [[Roses]]*

== S ==
* [[Scientists]]*
*[[The Rat Pack]]
* [[Search Engines]]*
*[[Recording Media]]
* [[Senses]]*
*[[Red Dwarf]]
* [[Serial Killers]]*
* [[Sesame Street Characters]]*
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]*
* [[Seven Dwarves]]*
*[[Reservoir Dogs]]*
* [[Shakespeare Characters]]*
*[[Restaurant Names]]*
* [[Shrek Characters]]*
*[[Rick and Morty]]
* [[Simpsons Characters]]*
*[[Rights enumerated in the US Constitution Bill of Rights]]
* [[Snakes]]*
* [[SNL Characters]]*
* [[Soda/Pops]]
*[[Roman Gods]]
* [[Sound Effects]]*
*[[Roman Caesars]]
* [[Song Titles]]*
* [[Spacecraft/Satellites]]*
*[[Rocks and Stones|Rocks]]
* [[Species]]*
*[[Rocky Horror Picture Show]]
* [[Spices]]*
*[[Roller Coasters]]
* [[Stargate. Females of]]*
*[[Root Vegetables]]
* [[Star Trek]]
* [[Star Wars]]*
*[[Russian Royalty]]
* [[Star Wars RPG Weaponry]]*
* [[Stones]]*
* [[Superheroes]]

== T ==
* [[Tanks]]
*[[Saga (Comic)]]
* [[Torture Devices]]*
*[[Sailboat parts]]
* [[Transformers]]*
*[[Sailboat Types]]
* [[Trees]]*
*[[Sailboat Classes]]
* [[Tropical Islands]]*
*[[Catholic Saints|Saints]]
* [[TV Shows]]*
* [[Types of Underwear]]*
*[[Scottish Castles]]*
* [[Tyrants]]*
*[[Search Engines]]*
*[[Secret Organizations]]*
*[[Seinfeld Characters]]*
*[[Seinfeld Catchphrases]]*
*[[Sephiroth system]]*
*[[Serial Killers]]*
*[[Sesame Street Characters]]
*[[Seven Deadly Sins]]
*[[Seven Dwarves]]
*[[The Seven Great Evils]]
*[[Shakespeare Characters]]
*[[Shrek Characters]]
*[[Ski Resorts]]
*[[Sluggy Freelance Characters]]
*[[SNL Characters]]*
*[[Small Yellow Creatures]]
*[[Sons of anarchy]]*
*[[Sons of Fëanor]]
*[[Sound Effects]]*
*[[South Park]]*
*[[Song Titles]]*
*[[Soviet Space Program]]*
*[[Space Marine Primarchs]]
*[[Stargate. Females of]]*
*[[Stargate. Locations of]]*
*[[Star Trek]]
*[[Star Wars]]*
*[[Star Wars RPG Weaponry]]*
*[[Stars (57 Selected Stars for Navigation)]]
*[[Stars (IAU Catalog)]]
*[[States in Malaysia]]
*[[Stereotypical Server Names]]
*[[Stock Exchanges]]
*[[STDs|Sexually Transmitted Diseases]]
*[[Super Mario]]
*[[wikipedia:Super Mario Bros.|Super Mario Bros.]]
*[[Supreme Court Justices]]
*[[Rocks and Stones|Stones]]

== U ==
* [[United States]]
* [[United States Capitals]]
*[[Tarot cards]] (Major Arcana)
*[[Team Fortress 2 Classes]]
*[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]
*[[Tests]] (types of)
*[[Test Pilots]]
*[[The Day the Music Died]]
*[[The Wheel of Time]]
*[[Thomas & Friends]]*
*[[Three Musketeers]]*
*[[Tintin, friends and foes]]*
*[[Tire Companies]]
*[[Top Gun]]*
*[[Touhou Characters]]
*[[Torture Devices]]
*[[Tribes of Israel]]
*[[Tron Programs]]
*[[Tropical Islands]]*
*[[TV Shows]]*
*[[Twin Peaks]]*
*[[Types of Underwear]]*

== V ==
* [[Vicious Animals]]*
*[[Ultima Runes]]
* [[Video Games]]*
*[[Ultima Virtues]]
* [[Vomit Synonyms]]
*[[United States]]
*[[Universal Pictures Movies]]
*[[Unix Commands]]
*[[UNIX Signals]]
*[[UNIX Error Codes]]

== W ==
* [[Weather]]*
*[[Vacuum manufacturers]]
* [[Weapons]]*
*[[Vagina Synonyms]]
*[[Vicious Animals]]*
*[[Video Games]]*
*[[Video Game Characters]]
*[[Vomit Synonyms]]
*[[Volkswagen Models]]*

== X ==
* [[X-Men]]*
*[[Wacky Races]]
*[[Warner Bros. Movies]]
*[[Weather-related Injuries]]
* [[Welcome to Night Vale]]
*[[Wes Anderson Movies]]
*[[The West Wing]]
*[[wikipedia:Whistler Blackcomb|Whistler Blackcomb]]
*[[Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom|Wild Kingdom]]
*[[Wind Bands]]
*[[Windows codenames]]*
*[[wikipedia:Wine (software)|Wine]]
*[[Winnie the Pooh]]*
*[[Wizardry I-V Spells]]
*[[World of Warcraft]]*
*[[World Rally Championship]]
*[[Wu-Tang Clan]]*

== Y ==
* [[ Yes ]]*
*[[X-Files|X-Files Characters]]

== Z ==
* [[Zodiac Signs]]
*[[wikipedia:List of years|List of years]]

*[[Zodiac Signs]]

Latest revision as of 08:57, 19 December 2024

Naming Schemes[edit | edit source]

What do you use?[edit | edit source]

A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name networked servers, wireless access points or client computers, but it can also be used to name projects, products, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are required.

Other[edit | edit source]


By category
Server Types

By Number

A good naming scheme should be scalable, but there could be times when a fixed number of machines are only ever going to be used. These are dedicated to those machines.

2[edit | edit source]

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E[edit | edit source]

F[edit | edit source]

G[edit | edit source]

H[edit | edit source]

I[edit | edit source]

J[edit | edit source]

K[edit | edit source]

L[edit | edit source]

M[edit | edit source]

N[edit | edit source]

O[edit | edit source]

P[edit | edit source]

Q[edit | edit source]

R[edit | edit source]

S[edit | edit source]

T[edit | edit source]

U[edit | edit source]

V[edit | edit source]

W[edit | edit source]

X[edit | edit source]

Y[edit | edit source]

Z[edit | edit source]